About Army Knowledge Offline

Welcome to Army Knowledge Offline (AKOffline)! Your go to source for any Army link found on Army Knowledge Online. While most (not ALL) links on this website link to Official U.S. Army/Military/Government websites; it is not endorsed or maintained by the U.S. Army. Most official Army and U.S. Government websites are hosted on ".mil" and ".gov" domains. I am SGT Roman Antonacci, I develop, maintain, and run AKOffline. This site is very much a work in progress as there are an oddly large amount of army websites and will likely change within the coming future as a result. For further information or questions on this please feel free to email them to [email protected] or find me on global. Please note while I do not respond to every email, I do read them. Always, thank you for supporting Army Knowledge Offline.

As an effort to keep the site as transparent as possible. A link to the Github for the site is in the top right hand corner.

I will not add your website about Mesothelioma that target military veterans. Stop asking. Same with your online marketing emails. Yes, I am aware AKOffline has high bounce rate. That is kind of the point.

Site Updates

All change logs have been moved to the GitHub Page.


- All links are now HTTPS - New Email for site (Old one still works but will be sunset after a few months)
- Wording on some daily messages, Fixed flags for messages.
- Fixed Some cards grabing pulling full images instead of compresed version.

- the following sites "Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System (APACS)", "Army Emergency Relief (AER)", "Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS)", "DoD CAC Cert Repository", "DoD Cyber Exchange (NIPR/Public)", "Move.mil", and "Patient Portal Tricare Online"
- Issues are now reported though GitHub.


- All images site wise have been scaled down so that they are smaller and take up less bandwidth.
- Added GitHub Link on the About AKOffine page.

- No JavaScript mode for browsers that can't us JavaScript

- removed all JQuery from the site as it was causing some issues for some users.


- Added a lot more comments in code.
- Changed "Army 365 Enterprise" to "Army 365 Teams"
- Changed AKO cards so they the images and titles are fully centered
- A lot of Styles for more consistency across the site.
- Navbar code has changed.

- Added the Daily Bugle to AKO Cards.
- Back end for custom quick links on AKO cards page.
- Added the following sites: "Army 365 Azure Portal", "Army 365 Home", "Army 365 Infomation Hub", "Army Records Information Management System", "LandWarNet eUniveristy", "Military Child Care", "Protected Internet eXchange (PIX)", RAPIDS ID Card Office, Soldier For Life, Unit Commander's Finance Report (UCFR), United Services Military Apprenticeship Program, and Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP)


- Some text issues.

- Identity, Credentialing and Access Management (ICAM) Portal which has replaced Identity Management Portal has been added.
- Green to Gold Access Portal
- Jump to in All links A - Z on AKO cards.

- Medpros is now available on non-DOD networks. Cards now reflect that.
- Identity Management Portal has been retired and has been removed from.


- All Web Sites are now broken out into to assist with readability.
- Fixed links on some sites
- Fixed MyMeb in Links Listed
- Fixed a few typos (probably introduced a few as well)

- Added anchor in Links listed for ease of navigation.
- There are now brakes in All links A-Z to help with legibility


- Site is now built with JavaScript, This is done so editing one AKO card in "All sites A-Z" will edit all of the card when it is used on the site.
- Quick links has been modified adding both army emails to it.
- Tricare Online's AKO card also brought you to its dental page instead of just Tricare online. This has been fixed.
- Old Updates on About AKOffline are now closed by default.
- Changed the Disclaimer at the bottom of each page.
- Cards will now be centered on the page

- The links for the following sites: "Army Acquisition Support Center", "Army Criminal Investigation Command", "Army Email (@army.mil)", "Army Email (@mail.mil)", "Career Acquisition Management Portal", "Combined Arms Center", "Defense Acquisition University", "Defense Civilian Personnel Data System", "Defense Manpower Data Center", "DoD Automated Time Attendance and Production System", "iSALUTE", "MyMEB", "Military Auxiliary Radio System", "NETCOM", "S1NET", and "Visual Information Ordering Site".


- Categorize in AKO Cards have changed and are now alphabetized

- The links for the following sites: "Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS)", "Army Enterprise Systems Integration Program", "Automated Personal Clothing Request", "Defense Logistics Agency", "electronic Financial Liability Investigations of Property Loss", "Federal Voting Assistance Program", "Global Combat Support System", "Global Electronic Approval Routing System (Purple)", "Global Electronic Approval Routing System 5 (Yellow)", "Global Electronic Approval Routing System V (Red)", "Joint Risk Assessment Tool", "Joint Service Transcript (JST)", "MHS Genesis", and "NCO Worldwide"

- the textShadow css, that added a white shadow around dropdown options. This was a remnant from when the site first went up that was left in.


- About AKOffline page
- mouse over effects in preparation for some changes on AKO Cards.
- descriptions and edited the layout under links listed

- rearranged quick link AKO Cards


- About AKOffline page in the background

- links opening to new tabs instead of over AK-Offline tab. This was causing issues on some links making them load as blank tabs if they loaded when not active.

DISCLAIMER! This is a Third Party Site. It is not endorsed or maintained by the U.S. Army.
Have any questions or concerns about AKOffline? Email [email protected] for more info!